Glenbard West Boosters is primarily a fundraising organization with more than 350 members and 125+ Board members that plans various Booster-sponsored events and fundraising activities. The funds raised enhance academic programs, athletic programs and extra-curricular activities that enrich the student experience at Glenbard West.
Booster members work all year long promoting West spirit by:
selling Glenbard West gear and sportswear
flipping pancakes at the Homecoming Pancake Breakfast
supervising the Homecoming bonfire
chaperoning the Homecoming dance
serving up delicious cotton candy at the “Pack the Place” winter basketball extravaganza
hosting an annual fundraiser for adults in the community

We encourage every parent, alum, and Glen Ellyn resident to consider joining Glenbard West Boosters. It is easy to become a member. Remember that your generous donations and personal involvement make a big difference in enriching the student experience at West.
If you are interested in learning more about the Glenbard West Boosters, have an interest in joining the Board, chairing a committee or wish to get involved in a specific activity, please contact an Executive Board member or send an email to President@gwboosters.com. We are eager to share the news about the organization and find a way for you to participate! So, get involved, make a difference in the community, meet some great new people and have fun!
Go West!
Executive Board
Martha & TR Sweinsberger
Katie & Greg Fischer
Alison and Matt Hunt
Laura and Dave Meehan
Triste & Mark Heintz
Colleen Bigelow
Lisa Brennan
Social Media
Jennifer Schoenherr
Martha & TR Sweinsberger
Amanda Scanlon Frazier
Jessica Powell
Stephanie Vlach
Alison and Matt Hunt
Carin Fanter
Emily Lobdell
Hope Rodine
Kim Storz
Gretchen Bobroff
Veronique Escalante
Pack the Place
Colleen Bigelow
Lisa Brennan
Adult Fundraiser
Eva Bongiovanni
Aimee McCollum
Pancake Breakfast
Lori Niforatos
Cindy West
Corporate Sponsorship
Shelby Bakken - Co-Chair
Carrie Gowans - Co-Chair
Clarisse Challgren
Rob Herbold
Mary Nielsen
10,000 Raffle
Christina & Dave Lavin
Sports Programs
Mike Allaway
Rob Herbold
West Nation Liaison
Elissa Noble
Committee Chairs
The primary mission of Glenbard West Boosters is to raise money for academic and athletic programs and extra-curricular activities that enrich the student experience at Glenbard West.
Boosters distributes more than $120,000 in grants annually to enhance the Glenbard West student experience. One of the unique things about Glenbard West grants is that the amount distributed each year is equitably divided between academics, athletics and activities, giving roughly 1/3 of funds to each area.
As you will see, some of the larger grant requests to be given out in the 2024-2025 school year are for two new sousaphones, a variety of athletic uniforms, startup costs related to forming the new Robotics Club and the annual Post Prom Event hosted by West Nation.
Boosters will also fund $10,000 in scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year. We are fortunate to have such a supportive and generous community that enables Boosters to give so much back to Glenbard West.